ICTex Innovation Virtual Summit



Noah Business Applications

Ms. Shirley D. Garcia, a CPA by profession is the Director for Sales of NOAH Business Applications. She has in-depth knowledge and expertise in architecting and implementing business applications.

Mentored by seasoned CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and Operations Heads for almost a decade, she has become one of the pillars of NOAH Business Applications. She leads the implementation of NOAH Business Applications for financials, financial consolidation, property sales management, leasing/rental management, project management, warehousing, and production management to top conglomerates.

She is gifted with rarity to transform operational business challenges into digital-based processes seamlessly connected to regulatory compliance and management analytical and reportorial demands.

She has championed the design of NOAH Real Estate Business Applications incorporating customer relationship management and portals for agents, brokers, customers, tenants, unit owners, suppliers, and contractors. With her dedication to bringing the brand to greater heights, she participates in the management decision-making in terms of research and development, marketing, and customer service.

Shirley’s passion provides the business community with exacting business applications at a reasonable investment level. She is now confident more than ever to implement NOAH Business Applications to different parts of the world.

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