ICTex Innovation Virtual Summit


Data Protection Officer

Philippine General Hospital

Director - UP Manila

NIH National Telehealth Center

Dr. Raymond Francis R. Sarmiento is a physician-scientist and currently the Director of the National Telehealth Center, National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor of the UP College of Medicine's Medical Informatics Unit and is the current president of the Philippine Medical Informatics Society and chair of the Health Informatics for Development Working Group of the International Medical Informatics Association. For his part in the Philippine COVID-19 response, he serves as co-chair of the IATF sub-Technical Working Group on ICT for Data Governance where he oversees the strategic direction of the government with regards to ICT adoption, use, and implementation in the country. He is also the Overall Policy Lead for the Philippine COVID-19 Vaccine Information Management System (VIMS) and Representative of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to the Vaccine Cluster, National Vaccine Operations Center, NTF Response Cluster, Data Management Group of the NTF Inter-Cluster, and the IATF Technical Working Group.

Dr. Sarmiento graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine in 2008 and finished his Public Health Informatics Fellowship from 2014 to 2016 in the Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Prior to joining the U.S. CDC, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical informatics from 2012-2014 at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, National Library of Medicine at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.

In 2019, he was awarded by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) – Philippines as its Outstanding Young Scientist in the field of Public Health Informatics, and was selected as one of the global fellows to the prestigious Young Physician Leaders program of the InterAcademy Partnership (the association of National Academies of Science and Technology in the world). Recently, he was also honored by the JCI Philippines, TOYM Foundation, and Gerry Roxas Foundation as one of the 2020 The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) for Medicine.

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