Driven by growing consumption especially on all livestock products, Philippine Feed mill industry are expanding, building and modernizing their facilities to meet animal feed demands from its partners in the livestock industry including swine grower, poultry grower, aquaculture etc.
Philippine Feed mill industry shows significant growth in the last 3 years and promising development in the next 5-10 years as the several players recently shows big investment plans in expanding their market share and production. These initiatives and actions directly affect farmers and vice versa, with that Government fully support and collaborate through its assigned agencies in these developments for this will promote and improve country’s food security.
The Philippine Feed mill Virtual Summit aims to bring together all feed mill players, associations, cooperatives, farmers, government agencies to discuss plans, opportunity and solution to pressing challenges in the feed mill industry. Also will introduce latest innovations, technologies, practices and products to help improve efficiency, production and operation
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Department of Agriculture
Senate of the Philippines
Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
National Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Producers Federation of the Philippines, INC.
Undersecretary Agri-Industrialization and Fisheries Department of Agriculture
Professor, UP Los Baños
Chief-Animal Feeds, Veterinary Drugs and Biologics Control Division,
Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture
Director, Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and National Resources Research and Development, DOST- PCAARRD
Vice President, PAFMI
President, WEnergy Power Pilipinas, INC.
Director of Sales, Yemtar
AVP, East Asia Veterinary Products, Inc.
Managing & Technical Director, Afimcor
Operation Manager, Petro Canada Lubricants/Envireau Pacific
Sales Engineer, Animal Nutrition – Milling Solutions, Buhler
Head of Sales and Operations, Eurolab