The Philippine Powerplant Energy Summit

Mr. Guido Alfredo A. Delgado


GAA Delgado Inc

Guido Alfredo A. Delgado is a 1979 BS Agricultural Business (Cum Laude) graduate of UP Los Baños. He pursued a MSc in Management Science (Major in Corporate Finance) at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom and completed the course in 1984. He was conferred a Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa in 1998 by the Xavier University.

Among his most notable work and professional experiences are:
1) 1985 – 1994, Managing Director of the Mindanao Development Bank
2) 1994 – 1998, Board Director of the National Electrification Administration
3) 1994 – June 1998, President and CEO of the National Power Corporation
As President and CEO of NAPOCOR:
• Implemented crucial power plant and transmission line projects
• Initiated major power infrastructure programs
• Introduced reforms in the power industry and the NAPOCOR
4) 2002 – 2010, Chairman of the Philippine Power Investments Corporation, a management and holding company engaged in providing investments, management services, finance and bringing in state-of-the-art technology to modernize and improve the efficiency and profitability of power distribution companies.

5) Since 1998 up to the present, the Chairman and CEO of G.A.A. Delgado, Inc., a Philippine corporation established in 1998 and mainly involved in management and financial consultancy & economic research, development and promotion of investment opportunities in the Philippines.

Guido Delgado also served as Consultant to various multilateral and bilateral institutions involved in extending official development assistance to developing countries, such as the World Bank, AT International at Washington D.C., Netherlands Development Finance Co. and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

Guido Delgado has also been recognized for his significant achievements and has been bestowed special awards. These are:
1) The Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) in 1992 in the field of Development Banking
2) Most Outstanding Alumnus of 1991, College of Economics & Management of UPLB
3) Jess and Trining Dela Paz Award in 1993 from the Ateneo De Davao University, an award given by the Jesuits for outstanding professional work and efforts at promoting community development
4) Golden Badge of Honor in 1991, the highest award given by the Chamber of Commerce in Kassel, Germany in recognition of the establishment of a system of self-administration of trades in Cagayan De Oro City.
5) Outstanding Centennial Alumnus in 2019 of the College of Economics and Management of UPLB