Speaker Details

Mr. Sammie Lim
Director in Charge Tourism
Samie Lim, as Former President of the Phil. Chamber of Commerce & Industry, successfully advocated for doubling the international tourism arrival every 5 yrs. He developed and promoted the tourism supply chain template to make this happen. Mr. Lim crafted the tourism roadmap, which served as the template for the 2005 WTO international roundtable on tourism. As Philippine Tourism Chair of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council, Mr. Lim conceptualized the ASEAN Flagship tourism project that was approved by the Asean Ministers and the Heads of State.
Mr. Lim, was a former Undersecretary of Dept of Trade & Industry and the General Manager of the National Development Corp., the Phil. Govt. Investment Arm. Mr. Lim was also Chair of the Presidential Task Force for the Tourism industry and Academic community linkage. He now serves as the President of the Canadian Tourism & Hospitality Institute. As Former Chairman of the Asia Pacific Franchise Confederation (APFC), he envision to set up a 100 Tourism & Hospitality school through the franchise system in ASEAN.
A cum laude graduate of the Ateneo de Manila University, he completed the Top Management Program and the Strategic Management Program of the Asian Institute of Management, as well as Masters in Business Economics of the University of Asia and the Pacific. Mr. Lim also received special business training from the Sophia University in Tokyo and at the Institute of International Studies and training in Fujinomia, Japan.